Thank you for scheduling!
New Clients - Please fill out intake form below before your appointment.
Please complete this intake form before the day of your massage.
Massage therapy by Louise Hughes is a therapeutic treatment. I need to understand your lifestyle, physiology, medical issues, needs and goals to provide the proper treatment.

"Karl Jung, one of the pioneers of modern psychology, believed that if you want to see how something is going to unfold, look at how it starts. If this idea were applied to massage, then the focus would be on the intake process, which is the start of a bodywork session. It is the foundation on which the massage sits. The right massage can only come from the right information.

Once a therapist has the client's health information, the next step is knowing what to do with it.
A plan will be crafted based on what the client is experiencing."

- Excerpt from Medicine Hands: Massage Therapy for People with Cancer by Gayle MacDonald
Personal Information

Have you received massage therapy before?
Goals for massage therapy today?
Preferred type of touch
Preferred level of talking during massage

Do You Have Any of the Following Today?
Check All That Apply

Select Areas of Discomfort
Check All That Apply

Acknowledgement and Release of Liability
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